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Reviews 5
Супер продукт, набагато ефективніший за щеплення й антибіотики. Пропиваю курс і на півроку мій імунітет готовий до будь-чого. Але якщо дуже сильно десь замерз або промок, або оголосили епідемію грипу, то Colostrum завжди під рукою.
Чудови засіб для зміцнення імунітету, вживаємо всією родиною. Вже за ці півроку ніхто з нас не захворів, не дивлячись що були різні епідеміЇ грипу .
Колострум вирішив проблему із застудними захворюваннями моїх дітей. Їм 6 і 4 роки. Пропили 1 баночку на двох і цілий рік ми не ходимо в аптеки та лікарні. Дякуємо Вам!
Була алергія -точніше загострення, сльози, нежить, ні лікарі, ні аптеки - нічого не допомагало. Порадили Колострум, він і вивів мене з цього стану. Рекомендую, особливо тим хто схильний до алергії.
Уже після тижня використання Colostrum я стала більш енергійною. Відмінно себе почуваю, зміцнився імунітет.
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Colostrum Capsules, 60 capsules

✅In stock
SKU: LR80360
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Made in Germany
Manufacturer LR Health and Beauty
Application children and adults take 2 times a day, 1 capsule in the morning and evening
Stock а) Immunoglobulins - IgG, IgM, Iga, IgE. IgG is the main type of antibodies in the blood and intercellular fluid, so it is involved in controlling infection throughout the body by binding to various pathogens: viruses, bacteria, fungi. IgG is the only type of antibody capable of penetrating the placenta through special receptors, providing protection to the fetus

б) Natural growth factors, such as IGF1, TGFA, TGFB and EGF: have a positive effect on metabolism and stimulate cell growth and regeneration (1GF1 has a general effect, TGF A+B affects muscle tissue, EGF affects the skin);

c) Immunoregulators, such as, for example, lactoferrin and cytokine (interleukin, interferon): they control the body's overall defenses, trigger and harmonize defense reactions. Lactoferrin is one of the most powerful antiviral and antibacterial substances. Scientific studies have shown that interferon slows down the growth of tumor cells.

г) PRP = proline-rich polypeptides: serves to maintain the balance of the immune system by restraining its overactivity or supporting an underactive, weakened immune system;

e) amino acids, for the preservation and restoration of body cells;

f) vitamins, minerals, trace elements;

g) enzymes, such as, for example, the "anti-aging enzyme" telomerase
Colostrum LR is produced exclusively by cows bred in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and France.

No preservatives. Pure colostrum, skimmed.
Not pasteurized: high quality and careful processing in chilled form.
Packing 60 capsules
Quantity 60 capsules
Purpose To increase the body's defenses
Form of issue capsules
Icons Готово к отправке
Brand LR Health & Beauty

Colostrum is a natural immune support product containing class G (IgG) immunoglobulins. For children and adults. Immediate effect on immunity and strengthening of the body.

Use of colostrum:

✔️ Strengthening the immune system and use in autoimmune diseases.

✔️ Maintaining healthy intestines, pancreas, and gastrointestinal tract.

✔️ Ensuring respiratory health and protection against ARVI and influenza.

✔️ Prolonging youth.

✔️ Regeneration and formation of tissues, such as cartilage and bone tissue, stimulate collagen synthesis in the skin (acts as an "anti-aging effect").

✔️ Support in case of allergic reactions, restoration of healthy intestinal mucosa, and reduced sensitivity to allergens.

✔️ Use in pain, inflammation, and injuries.

✔️ Support for depression, weakness, and chronic fatigue.

✔️ Use during recovery from illness, surgery, or chemotherapy.

✔️ Use in skin diseases and diabetes mellitus.

✔️ Support during periods of high physical activity.


Directions for use: Children and adults take two times a day, one capsule in the morning and evening, with water. The duration of service is 30 days. Store in the refrigerator after opening.

Individual intolerance to the components.

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medication, or have a medical condition, consult your doctor before using any dietary supplements. If you experience any adverse reactions, discontinue use and consult a physician. Keep out of the reach of children. Do not use it if the outer protective membrane is missing or damaged.

**** Dietary supplements are not medicine!

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