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Reviews 3
Раніше часто мучилася з нирками, були пісок та каміння. З цією добавкою забула про ці проблеми! Вона добре очищає нирки, знімає запалення та усуває набряки. Плюс у Юраї натуральний склад, що для мене дуже важливо
У меня были проблемы с предстательной железой, часто бегал в туалет по ночам. Врач посоветовал попробовать Юрай НСП. Уже через неделю приема я почувствовал облегчение, а через месяц симптомы вообще прошли. Я очень доволен этой добавкой и рекомендую ее всем мужчинам после 40 лет
У меня были хронические циститы, которые регулярно обострялись. С Юраем НСП я забыла о этой проблеме! Он снимает воспаление в мочевом пузыре и устраняет боль. Принимаю его уже год и очень довольна результатом!
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Ury NSP, 120 capsules

✅In stock
SKU: NSP2879
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Made in USA
Manufacturer Natures Sunshine Products
Application as a biologically active food supplement take 1 capsule 2 times with meals (in the first half of the day).
Store at a temperature from 0 to 25 ° C.
Stock 1 capsule:
Vitamin C - 11.2 mg
Vitamin D - 40 IU
Vitamin B1 - 1.5 mg
Vitamin B2 - 1.5 mg
Niacin - 3.8 mg
Folic acid - 17.3 mcg
Pantothenic acid - 2.7 mg
Magnesium (chelate) - 7.5 mg
Potassium (chelate) - 7.5 mg
Chinese lemongrass (Schizandra chinensis) -17 mg
Althaea officinale (root) -17 mg
Barosma leaves (Barosma betulina) -7 mg
Corn stigmas (Zea mays) -22 mg
Cranberry powder (Vaccinium macrocarpon) - 115 mg
Dandelion root (Taraxacum officinale) -17 mg
Dong qua (root) (Angelica sinensis) -17 mg
Hops (Humulus lupus) -17 mg
Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) -17 mg
Hydrangea root (Hydrangea arborescens) -22 mg
Barberry (root)(Berberis aquafolium) -18 mg
Parsley leaves (Petroselinum crispum) -35 mg
Quantity 120 capsules
Purpose normalizes the water-electrolyte balance, has an antibiotic effect, prevents the formation of stones and sand, reduces inflammation in the genitourinary system
Form of issue capsules
Icons Готово к отправке, Безкоштовна доставка, 100% Original
Brand Nature's Sunshine Products (NSP)

Yuray NSP- Uro Lax for urinary system and kidneys NSP

Maintaining water-electrolyte balance is a key factor for overall health. Yurai (or Urolax) from Nature's Sunshine Products is a complex that helps regulate this balance, as well as a number of other functions:

  1. Promoting metabolism.
  2. Effective removal of excess fluid without causing irritation in the genitourinary system.
  3. Reduction of puffiness.

The composition of Yurai includes bioflavonoids, bioavailable potassium and a whole range of plant extracts, such as beech, cranberry, lemon tree, dandelion, horsetail and many others.

Supporting kidney function

Dandelion and horsetail are known for their anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties, which help remove sand and salts from the kidneys.

Antimicrobial action

Cranberry extract in Yurai acts as an effective remedy against infections of the genitourinary system, and also prevents the formation of stones.

Prostate Support

Beech is useful for cystitis, prostatitis and other similar diseases, helps to remove excess fluid accumulated as a result of PMS.

Diuretic effect

Corn cobs act as a mild diuretic, useful for dissolving kidney stones, as well as reducing swelling associated with cardiovascular disease.


In traditional Chinese medicine, lemongrass is used as a tonic and is recommended for nephritis.

The Yurai complex not only supports the health of the genitourinary system, but also includes vitamins of groups B, C, D, potassium and magnesium, which makes it a unique and holistic tool for supporting general health.< /p>

Nova Poshta in Ukraine - according to the carrier's tariff
(for orders over $52 - free of charge).

Ukrposhta in Ukraine - according to the tariffs of the carrier
(for orders over $52 - free of charge).

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