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Reviews 5
Нігті укріпились і швидше стали рости, зникла чутливість зубів після чищення. Як додаткове джерело кальція мене дуже влаштували. Швидко відправили, щиро дякую!
Комплекс пропила мама, отозвалось о нем хорошо. Замечательно, что кальций в схелатной формуле это помогает лучшему усвоению. Остальные компоненты комплекса отлично его дополняют. Рекомендую для пожилых людей, а также тем у кого наблюдается дефицит кальция.
препарат работает, если у кого недостаток кальция и магния - берите, не пожалеете.

Хороший БАД. Брала за призначенням лікаря. Лікар рекомендувала саме цю фірму. Не пошкодувала, про глобальний ефект говорити напевно рано, але вже помічаю позитивні зміни. Хотілося б доповнити, що колега на роботі з проміжком п'є вже 4-ту банку і дуже задоволена.
Мои впечатления после приема этого препарата (я до сих пор его принимаю, правда, с интервалами через месяц-два): - мои ногти стали заметно крепче, не слоятся, растут отлично
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Calcium Magnesium Chelate NSP, 150 tablets

✅In stock
SKU: NSP3243
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Made in USA
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine
Application Adults take 1 tablet * 1-2 times a day with meals. Duration of intake - 1 month. It is recommended to carry out 3-4 receptions per year. If necessary, the reception can be repeated.
Stock Composition - 1 tablet (1400 MG:
Calcium (dicalcium phosphate, chelate, citrate) 250 mg
Magnesium (oxide, chelate) 125 mg
Phosphorus (dicalcium phosphate) 100 mg
Vitamin D (cholecalciferol) 133 IU
Packing 150 capsules
Quantity 150 tablets
Purpose Prevention of osteoporosis; replenishment of calcium in the body; Stabilization of the nervous system; Maintaining the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system; Regulation of acid-base balance.
Form of issue capsules
Icons Готово к отправке, Безкоштовна доставка, 100% Original
Brand Nature's Sunshine Products (NSP)

Calcium Magnesium Chelate

Is a biologically active supplement that contains calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in chelated form, as well as vitamin D. All these components are well balanced, which allows them to be easily absorbed by the human body. . Vitamin D promotes better absorption of calcium.

Main benefits of Calcium Magnesium Chelate:

  • Supports the formation and restoration of bone tissue.
  • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Normalizes the work of the nervous system and improves the conduction of nerve impulses.
  • Regulates blood coagulation processes.

It is recommended to use Calcium Magnesium Chelate in the following cases:

  • In osteoporosis, to maintain bone density.
  • After menopause, when there is a risk of bone loss.
  • For fractures, to support faster bone growth.
  • In arthrosis, to improve the condition of the joints.
  • For habitual sprains, to strengthen joints and ligaments.
  • When balding, to strengthen hair.
  • For caries, to improve the condition of the teeth.
  • For brittle hair, to strengthen the hair structure.
  • When the condition of the skin worsens, to maintain the health of the skin.

Calcium Magnesium Chelate is especially useful in case of calcium deficiency in the body. Inadequate calcium intake can be caused by a variety of factors, such as an unbalanced diet, hormonal changes, stress, and a sedentary lifestyle. Calcium deficiency can lead to problems such as irritability, poor hair, nails, and teeth, decreased immunity, brittle bones, seizures, urinary tract stones, and other health problems.

It is especially recommended to use Calcium Magnesium Chelate:

  • For women during menopause, when a decrease in hormone levels can lead to a decrease in bone density. This product can also help prevent osteoporosis and other bone problems that are especially common in postmenopausal women.
  • Before taking any nutritional supplements, it is always best to consult a doctor or nutritionist, especially if you have any medical conditions or are taking other medications.

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